WINK to LEARN | Early Learning Flash Cards, DVDs & Streaming Videos | Inspired by Glenn Doman

SONG ORDER Chinese Lyrics English Translation
Song 1


Song Title: Dancing Song

  来来来 大家来 拉成个圈 Come, come, come! Everyone come and form a circle
  1 2 3 1 2 3 整齐好看

One two three, one two three. Neat and pleasing

  来来来 大家来 拉成个圈 Come, come, come! Everyone come and form a circle
  转一转 跳一跳多么好玩 It's so fun to turn and jump together!
Song 2 歌曲名:妈妈的眼睛 Song Title: My Mother's Eyes

In the beautiful sky

  出来光亮的小星星 there are bright little stars
  好像是我妈妈慈爱的眼睛 They are like my mother's eyes full of kindness
  妈妈的眼睛我最喜爱 I love my mother's eyes most.
  常常希望我做个好小孩 She long that I'll be a good child.
  妈妈的眼睛我最喜爱 I love my mother's eyes most.
Song 3 歌曲名: 娃娃国 Song Title: Toy Kingdom


Toys Kingdom, Toy soldiers with golden hair and blue eyes
  娃娃国王胡子长,骑马出皇宫 The king has a long beard, riding a horse out of the palace.

Toy soldiers are rehearsing to guard against the enemies’ attack.

  机关枪,哒哒哒 Machine guns, (sound of machines)
  原子炮,轰轰轰 Atomic bombs (sound of bombs)
Song 4 歌曲名: 懒惰虫 Song Title: Lazy Worm
  你是懒惰虫,你是懒惰虫 You are a lazy worm.You are a lazy worm.


Always say that your body is painful
  一下眼睛痛,一下耳朵痛 Sometimes, (your) eyes are painful. Sometimes, (your) ears are painful


Always say that your body is painful
Song 5 歌曲名: 鱼儿水中游 Song Title: Fishes Song
  鱼儿鱼儿水中游, 游来游去乐悠悠 Fishes are swimming in the water freely
  倦了卧水草, 饿了觅小虫 Resting on the water plants and eating the worms
  乐悠悠,乐悠悠, 水里世界真自由 The underwater world is so carefree.
Song 6 歌曲名:来猜拳 Song Title: Finger-guessing game
  小朋友我们行个礼 Little friend, let's make a curtsy.
  握握手來猜拳 Let's shake our hands and play finger-guessing game


Stone (or) cloth? Who will win?
  输了就要跟我走 Loser follows me.
Song 7 歌曲名:月姑娘 Song Title: Lady Moon
  月姑娘在天上 Moon Lady is in the sky

Round and bright



Flower Lady is on the tree
  有美丽,又清香 Very pretty and sweet
Song 8 歌曲名:玩具王国 Song Title: Toy World


(Sound of trumpets) I'm blowing the trumpet
  娃娃也出来走走走 The doll is taking a walk
  小狗汪汪,开汽车嘟嘟嘟 Little dog barks and drives the car
  这样开开,那样开开,啦啦啦 Driving here and there.
Song 9 歌曲名:伦敦铁桥倒下来 Song Title: London Bridge Is Falling Down
  伦敦铁桥塌下来 褟下来 塌下来 London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.
  伦敦铁桥塌下来 就要塌下来 London bridge is falling down now.
Song 10 歌曲名:可爱的家庭 Song Title: My Precious Family
  我的家庭真可爱,整洁美满又安康 My family is so adorable. It's blissful and happy
  姐妹兄弟很和气,父母都慈祥 Sisters and brothes live in harmony, Parents are loving
  虽然没有好花园,春来秋会常飘香 Although we don't have a pretty garden, fragrance is still present in spring.
  虽然没有大厅堂,冬天温暖夏天凉 Although we don't have a big living room, there is still warmth during winter.
  可爱的家庭啊,我不能离开你 My precious family, I cannot do without you!
  你的恩惠比天长 Your grace to me is higher than the heavens.
Song 11 歌曲名: 找到一个朋友 Song Title: Looking For My Friend


Looking around for my friend
  行个礼呀,鞠个躬呀 She cutsy and he bows
  笑嘻嘻呀,握握手呀 They laugh heartily and shake hands
  转个圆圈,转个圆圈,再见 Turn two rounds and say goodbye
  转个圆圈,转个圆圈,再见 Turn two rounds and say goodbye
Song 12 歌曲名: 青春舞曲 Song Title: Youth Song

The sun has set. But she will rise again tomorrow

  花儿谢了明年还是一样的开 The flowers have withered. But they will bloom again
  美丽小鸟飞去无影踪 The beautiful little bird had flown away
  我的青春小鸟一样不回来 My youth, just like the little bird, will never come back
  我的青春小鸟一样不回来 My youth, just like the little bird, will never come back
  别的那样哟 别的那样哟 Sigh......
  别的那样哟 别的那样哟 Sigh......
Song 13 歌曲名: 跷跷板 Song Title: See-saw Game
  跷跷板真好玩 你上天时我落地 See-saw is really fun. When you are up, I'm down!
  小小朋友不翻脸 Little good friends, do not fall out with each other
  跷跷板真好玩 你落地时我上天 See-saw is really fun. When you are up, I'm down!
  小小朋友不淘气 Little good friends, do not fall out with each other
Song 14 歌曲名: 家 Song Title: Home Song


There is a river in front of my house and there is a hill behind it.
  山坡上面野花多,野花红似火。 There are many flowers on the hill. The flowers are as red as fire.
  小河里,有白鹅,鹅儿戏绿波。 There is a swan making water ripples in the stream.
  戏弄绿波,鹅儿快乐,昂首唱清歌 It is a happy swan and raising her head to sing her song.
Song 15 歌曲名: 登高 Song Title: Climbing High
  快乐的伙伴 我们登山去 Happy fellow companions! Let's go hiking.
  努力的爬上去 路遥山高我们不休息 Though the road is far and the mountain is high, we shall not give up!
  一路爬上白云里 Let's climb all the way to the sky!
Song 16 歌曲名: 野餐 Song Title: Picnic Song
  今天天气好清爽,路上野花香 Today's weather is so refreshing. The flowers are fragrant.
  青山绿水绕身旁,小鸟声声唱 We are surrounded by mountains and water. Birds are chirping joyfully!


Good friends gather and we had much to tell
  野外野餐多舒畅,彼此祝安康 It's so wonderful to have a picnic in the park, wishing everyone good health!
Song 17 歌曲名: 好朋友 Song Title: Let's Be Friends!
  来我们做个好朋友,握握手,点点头 Come! Let's be friends. Shake your hands and nod your heads
  哦 相亲相爱 到永久 好朋友 Good friends love each other till forever.
Song 18 歌曲名:种树歌 Song Title: Planting Song
  树啊树啊,我把你种下 My dear tree, I had planted you
  不怕风吹, 快点长大, Dont' be afraid of the wind. Grow up strong and quick.


Grow your green leaves and blooming your red flowers
  鸟来做窝,猴子来爬,我也来玩耍 One day, the birds make their nests, monkeys are climbling around you. I am playing here too.
Song 19 歌曲名:小女孩买菜 Song Title: Little Girl Doing Marketing
  我是一个快乐小女孩,清早提篮出门去买菜 I am a happy little girl. I carry a basket to buy vegetables in the morning.
  鸡啊鱼肉加青菜,样样你选人人爱 Chicken, fish, meat and green vegetables. Everyone will love whatever you choose.
  小白菜,高丽菜 And also Chinese cabbage and cauliflower.
  我是一个快乐小女孩,清早提篮出门去买菜 I am a happy little girl. I carry a basket to buy vegetables in the morning.
Song 20 歌曲名: 大头 Song Title: Mushroom Song
  大头大头,下雨下雨不愁 Big head (mushroom), big head (mushroom). It is not worried when it rains.
  人家有伞,它有它有大头 Others have umbreallas. It has a big head.
Song 21 歌曲名:我们是好朋友 Song Title: We Are Best Friends
  我们是好朋友,早夕相聚 We are best friends. We stick together from morning till night.
  不分我不分你,同唱歌同游戏 There is no difference between us. We sing and play together.
  我们是好朋友,从不分离 We are best friends who will never be separated.

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